quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2021

Is it a musing by now?

Thinking is nothing, in a strict sense, thinking doesn't exist. Now that doesn't mean thinking doesn't do anything. At the same time, thinking is not doing, so thinking doesn't really do anything in a strict sense. Thinking is determined, so thinking doesn't really determine anything, but thinking does, at its best, open for other determinations, not necessarily new ones, but at the very least other determinations. Now, being nothing, thinking is really any and every thing, even thinking about thinking, thinking thinking itself (thinking). So, yeah, thinking is something, which is nothing, which is something. These constant reversals into something other, something else that is not itself, are usual of thinking. Thinking, thus, is thinking otherwise than thinking, is thinking thinking as other (than) thinking. Gosh! This one was hard.

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